Pet Emergency Preparedness & First Aid
Your Canine, Feline & Equine family members are important to us to. We want to fill you in on as much <a title="Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Supplies For Dogs, Cats and Horses" href="/disaster-survival/pet-emergency-disaster-preparedness-supplies.html">Pet Emergency</a> and <a title="Canine, Feline & Equine First Aid Kits and Bags" href="/first-aid-kits-cabinets/consumer/pet-emergency-first-aid-kits.html">First Aid</a> info as we can! Here you will find articles focused on topics especially for your pets. Dog First Aid, Cat First Aid, & Horse First Aid and Disaster Preparedness.
We support the National Geographic Society animal preservation efforts with contributions earned through our first aid, cpr and safety product sales... learn about the great good they do! The National Geographic Society recently announced a partnership to protect the last remaining intact ecosystem in West Africa, Pendjari National Park. Learn more about how donations helped make this possible. Pendjari National Park in...
Pet Emergency & DisasterDisaster Preparedness & Emergency Supplies For Dogs, Cats and Horses: Humans are not the only ones that need to be prepared in case of an emergency or disaster. You and your family need to include in your disaster preparedness to also have a disaster plan for for your four-legged "family" members. This can include Dogs, Cats, Horses...
Pet's may have fur, but they can still get cold, sick, or die when it's too cold outside. We've share ideas on Winter Care for Pets and Pet First Aid, as well as Pet Thoughts and Preparing Your Pet for Evacuation - let's take another look and Pet Winter Safety... If it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your pet, so keep your animals inside...
Don't forget Fido and Fluffy! Pet First Aid Kits Canine, Feline & Equine First Aid Kits and Bags: First Aid Kits made especially for your pets. Dog First Aid, Cat First Aid, Horse First Aid ~ You'll find unique items such as leashes, syringes, and eyewash in these pet first aid kits and pet disaster survival kits that have been...
Halfway through National Preparedness Month, we'd like to ask you "If a natural disaster strikes, what will happen to your pet?" Be prepared: make a plan and prepare a disaster kit for your pet. Pet Emergency & Disaster Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Supplies For Dogs, Cats and Horses Forgetting the furry family members when making your evacuation plans can put pets...
We've all heard stories of people walking into an animal shelter and locking eyes with "their" dog. People just know when they see their dog. According to Huffington Post, Edinburgh-resident Dion Leonard recently had a moment when he knew he had found his dog, but he wasn't in an animal shelter. He was in the middle of running a 155-mile...
We've spent the last few weeks "Doing the ANSI Scramble" as our clients have been gearing up and either upgrading their first aid kits, or purchasing new ANSI 2015 first aid kits in order to comply with the new ANSI Z308.1-2015 Standard— Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits and Supplies, which changes first aid kit requirements for every organization in the...
Pet Emergency & DisasterDisaster Preparedness & Emergency Supplies For Dogs, Cats and Horses: June is National Pet Preparedness Month. Is your pet prepared for evacuation? If you have to evacuate to a public shelter because of a disaster, keep in mind that animals may not be allowed inside. Humans are not the only ones that need to be prepared in...
This is Hurricane Preparedness Week and next week is Extreme Heat Week (May 23-27)... other than the fact that one immediately follows the other - there's another big safety concern connecting the two. Power. Hurricanes have the potential to bring down power lines resulting in power outages. Power outages during periods of extreme heat can be dangerous, and even deadly. A study done...
"Bug Out" is a term used frequently by preppers, referring to when you need to get out of Dodge because the SHTF*, or in extremist points of view when TEOTWAWKI** occurs. Well, on a more basic level, you should be prepared for evacuation, including having your Bug Out Bag ready to roll no matter what the calamity... during Hurricane Preparedness Week we...