What should you know about the snow?

Winter Emergency Preparedness KitHeavy snow can immobilize a region and paralyze a city, stranding commuters, closing airports, stopping the flow of supplies, and disrupting emergency and medical services. In 2015, Boston broke the all­-time winter seasonal snowfall record.

However, dangerous conditions can still form when only a small amount of snow and ice form.  Cars driving over very cold pavement can temporarily melt snow. But those cold temperatures can refreeze that water back into ice. In 2014, less than three inches of snow paralyzed Atlanta, trapping children in schools and forcing drivers to spend the night in their cars.

What to Do: Make sure you have food, water, and blankets in your trunk. Stay off the roads when advised to do so by local authorities. Make sure your cell phone is fully charged when a storm is approaching and also anytime you’re planning to leave the house. It could become your lifeline should disaster strike. For winter driving safety tips, visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and FEMA's Car Safety site.

Are you Winter Ready? Are you Winter Ready?