Image displaying directions on pinching nose and leaning forward during a nosebleedMany people lean backward when treating a nosebleed, which causes blood to flow into their sinuses causing infections, or into their stomach causing nausea and vomiting. Who wants to throw up while dealing with a bloody nose!?!? Pinch and lean Forward…
  • Have the casualty sit in a chair and lean slightly forward.
  • Apply pressure below the midline of the nose, close to the nostrils, by pinching with the thumb and index finger for 10 continuous minutes. Do not press the bridge of the nose between the eyes.
  • If the bleeding does not stop, apply a cold compress to area.
  • If the bleeding does not stop after 15 minutes, is extremely heavy, or if the casualty has difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.
  Content excerpted from the Urgent First Aid Guide used by permission Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved. Get a full copy of the First Aid Guide for under $1!
QR WoundSeal + Applicator for Nosebleeds, 2 Applications QR WoundSeal + Applicator for Nosebleeds, 2 Applications