If a spinal, neck, or head trauma is not suspected, keep the airway open with the head tilt-chin lift method.
If the casualty vomits, turn her/his head to one side to avoid aspirating on or swallowing the vomit. If a spine, neck, or head injury is suspected, keep the casualty’s head, neck, and body in a straight line while turning him/her on her/his side.
If possible, elevate the casualty’s legs above the level of the heart. Do not elevate if you suspect broken bones in the legs, neck, or spine.
Keep the casualty as comfortable and warm as possible. Cover any visible injuries with a clean, sterile dressing.
Do not give fluids to an unconscious casualty. If medical assistance is delayed for more than an hour, you may give the casualty small sips of water.
Do not give any fluids if you suspect an abdominal or other injury that may require immediate surgery.
Do not give alcoholic, caffeinated or sugary beverages.
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