Pet Emergency & Disaster
Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Supplies For Dogs, Cats and Horses:
June is National Pet Preparedness Month. Is your pet prepared for evacuation? If you have to evacuate to a public shelter because of a disaster, keep in mind that animals may not be allowed inside.
Humans are not the only ones that need to be prepared in case of an emergency or disaster. You and your family need to include in your disaster preparedness to also have a disaster plan for for your four-legged "family" members. This can include Dogs, Cats, Horses or any other mammals you may have as part of your extended "family". Emergency pet survival kits and supplies can include emergency pet food and medical pet 1st aid supplies that can be handy and useful from the smallest of incidents to full blown man made or natural disasters. Your Canine, Feline and Equine friends deserve to be prepared as much as you and your family are. The products below cover the spectrum of emergency and disaster supplies for your pet's disaster kits. Emergency Food, fully stocked Dog, Cat and Horse Emergency Kits, travel bowls, safety vests and videos/guides on how to create and stock a disaster preparedness plan for your pets are all at your fingertips!
Canine, Feline and Equine Emergency and First Aid Supplies for Stocking Disaster Survival Kits
With proper planning, you can help ensure your pet’s safety if you have to separate. Just follow tips from the
Ready Campaign, including:
- Assemble a pet disaster supply kit;
- Talk with your pet’s veterinarian about emergency planning;
- Plan with friends, neighbors, or relatives to make sure someone is available to care for or evacuate your pets if you are unable to do so; and
- Look for a boarding facility such as a kennel or veterinarian hospital that is near an evacuation facility or your family’s meeting place.

Click to download the pet owners emergency preparedness checklist FREE!
With simple preparations, you can be ready for the unexpected. Those who take the time to prepare themselves and their pets will likely encounter less difficulty, stress, and worry..