Since last wee was "Fall Protection" week, we thought we'd share some tall building trivia. You may already know that at present the Burj Khalifa completed 2010 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates is presently the world's tallest building at a whopping 2,717 feet, but not so long ago there were several other "world's tallest... these days, it seems to be a fast-paced race for highest and most dramatic... No so, always... one building held the record for 238 years! The Lincoln Cathedral (officially the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln) was consecrated on this day in 1092. Located in Lincoln, England, the massive structure serves as the seat of the Bishop of Lincoln and was known to be the tallest building in the world for 238 years. The cathedral lost a good portion of its height when the central spire collapsed in 1549 and was not rebuilt. While it can no longer be boasted as the tallest, it is impressively one of the very few English cathedrals that was built from the rock it is standing on. In fact, it owns the quarry! Stonemasons use over 100 tonnes of stone every year for repairs. A lot of work goes in to maintaining a 900-year-old building! Lincoln Cathedral