stopliteHappy birthday to an item that most people see as a daily annoyance ... the traffic signal. On this day in 1914, the world's first electric traffic signal was installed in Cleveland, Ohio. It is hard to imagine life before we had those three lights telling us to slow down, stop or when to go, but back before 1914, navigating America's roadways was no easy feat. Sure there were a lot less cars on the road than today, but cars had to compete with pedestrians, bicycles, streetcars and even horse-drawn carriages for the right of way. Nowadays, some estimates claim the average person spends six months of their life waiting at traffic lights. So why not throw a birthday party for something you spend half a year of your life with? It's as good a reason as any to eat a cupcake.
Image of a carAuto Emergency Kits & Auto Survival Kits: Discount and Wholesale Auto First Aid Kits designed specifically for use in and around your car. These Automotive First Aid kits contain a variety of first aid supplies to treat minor injuries as well as supplies for responding to major roadside emergencies. Some of our Auto, Car, Truck & Vehicle First Aid kits include motion sickness tablets. We have soft sided and hard case auto / vehicle first aid kits designed to fit in spaces in any auto, car, truck, sport utility vehicle, mini-van, etc...From Lifeline, First Aid Only, AAA and more! Don't miss our Auto Survival Kits & Emergency Car Tools, too! (Window punches, Seat belt cutters, warning and signaling devices for roadside distress)

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