Be Safe & $ave During Social Distancing and Isolation With so many at home and practicing “Social Distancing” and “Isolation” to be safe… We need to remember that accidents happen at home, too – Is your “safe place” ready for mishaps? • More accidents occur in the home than anywhere else. • 15% of all car accidents occur within 5...
.sitead { display: none !important; } Keep those Presidents in your pocket! That's right - now through Presidents Day, take an extra 10% off site-wide*... It is still cold, so get your Winter Warmth & Safety Products, or get a jump start on your Spring Sports and Outdoor needs! Enter code "DC-Discount" in your cart or at checkout for your...
We have almost 1 million pieces to count in our warehouse at year end... And we don’t want to count it! So we are offering you 10% off + Free Ground Shipping on any order of $55* or more to TAKE IT AWAY! Stock up now & plan ahead - what will you need in 2020? Order now and show...
Boo! Boo 10% OFF Bandages and More SALE! Scary good discount on Bandages, Dressings, Antiseptics, Ointments, Wraps, and Tapes! Shop now and save an extra 10% OFF our already deep discounted first aid and safety items. Add promo code "BooBoo" to the discount code field in your shopping cart or at checkout. Need creative and unique Halloween costume ideas? We...
We have 645,000+ pieces to count in our warehouse at year end... And we don't want to count it! So we are offering you 10% off + Free Ground Shipping on any order of $49* or more to TAKE IT AWAY! ALMOST OVER - Last Chance! Stock up now & plan ahead - what will you need in 2019? Order...
That’s right! Spring Cleaning Time ? You can SAVE 24% OFF our already reduced pricing on 24 items for 24 hours only… CLICK… SAVE… GO! (Enter Code “242424” at checkout). Find this field in your shopping cart or in the Payment Method section at checkout The (Not So) Fine Print Offer expires midnight 5/2/18 – Available Online at or...
Boo! Boo 15% OFF Bandages and More SALE! Scary good discount on Bandages, Dressings, Antiseptics, Ointments, Wraps, and Tapes! Shop now and save an extra 15% OFF our already deep discounted first aid and safety items. Add promo code "Boo!" to the discount code field in your shopping cart, not at checkout. Creams & Topical Antiseptics, Treatments & Ointments for...
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