extreme heat

  1. Categories: Medications & Illness

    Do You Know the Signs of a Heat Stroke?

    We've shared articles on What is Heat Stroke?, as well as Heat Stroke First Aid Treatment in the past, but now, as we see countless heat related injuries occuring aorund the nation, it is time for anu update. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heat stroke occurs when the body is unable to regulate its temperature. The body's temperature...
  2. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Can Be Dangerous
    Categories: Safety Tips

    "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Can Be Dangerous

    Heat-Related Illnesses  "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Can Be Dangerous Businesses and their employees are feeling the heat these days! And OSHA, NIOSH and the CDC have been spreading the word about the hazards of heat exhaustion, heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses on the job. "Overheating" causes hundreds of fatalities every year. But you can help prevent seasonal "burnout" with "Heat Stress...
  3. Summer's comin'
    Categories: Safety Tips

    Summer's comin'

    With Meteorological Summer beginning Today, and Calendar Summer on the 20th, get ready for heat safety... Prepare Your Home Now Install temporary window reflectors (for use between windows and drapes), such as aluminum foil-covered cardboard, to reflect heat back outside. Weather-strip doors and window sills to keep cool air in. Cover windows that receive morning or afternoon sun with drapes...
  4. Sun Safety
    Categories: Burn Care First Aid

    Sun Safety

    Does Sunburn treatment count ans "Burn First Aid"? Absolutely. Sunburn can be first or even second degree, is painful and can be dangerous. So what do you need to know? First, how to avoid sunburn, and second - how to treat sunburn. Avoid Sunburn: Use a sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30 with UVA and...
  5. Extreme Heat ??
    Categories: Medications & Illness

    Extreme Heat ??

    It is Extreme Heat Week... ?? Extreme heat is defined as a period of excessively hot weather, with higher than average temperatures for a particular region, combined with high humidity. Extreme heat events can happen anywhere in the United States. Extreme heat commonly occurs in the summer; however the main season for heat waves may vary regionally. During the past...
  6. How do Hurricanes relate to Extreme Heat?
    Categories: Pet Emergency Preparedness & First Aid

    How do Hurricanes relate to Extreme Heat?

    This is Hurricane Preparedness Week and next week is Extreme Heat Week (May 23-27)... other than the fact that one immediately follows the other - there's another big safety concern connecting the two. Power. Hurricanes have the potential to bring down power lines resulting in power outages. Power outages during periods of extreme heat can be dangerous, and even deadly. A study done...

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