p { font-size: 15px; } Take steps to protect yourself! With Vinyl gloves from Urgent First Aid. Help to protect from bodily fluids and the transmission of germs. Worried about Coronavirus Infection? COVID-19: The CDC and WHO recommend wearing of protective clothing (such as masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles) and the use of infection-control measures (such as complete equipment sterilization...
var priceFormat = JSON.parse('{"pattern":"$%s","precision":2,"requiredPrecision":2,"decimalSymbol":".","groupSymbol":",","groupLength":3,"integerRequired":1}'); var separator = priceFormat.decimalSymbol; Eye, Eye, Eye, Eye! March is Eye Safety Month… This is your best chance to take care of often overlooked eye safety. Take advantage of our 20/20 Eye Safety Sale! 20% OFF over 20 Eye Wash, Eye Safety, and Eye Care products. You’ll say “EYE can’t believe it!” Eye Drops Medic's Choice...
The Eyes of March (yes that is an intentional play on "The Ides of March") - March is all about Eye Safety - it is both American Optometric Association's "Save Your Vision Month" & Prevent Blindness America's "Workplace Eye Wellness Month" Eye Safety is important both at work and at home, be sure you know about Eye Injuries & First Aid and that...
Every day an estimated 1,000 eye injuries occur in American workplaces. The financial cost of these injuries is enormous -- more than $300 million per year in lost production time, medical expenses, and workers compensation. No dollar figure can adequately reflect the personal toll these accidents take on the injured workers. What contributes to eye injuries at work? Take a...
We all can appreciate the joy in a child's eyes at the wonders of the Holidays. Protect those peepers with some caution and common sense. “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!” The 1983 classic holiday film, A Christmas Story, has had us reciting this memorable quote for years. Some propelling toys, like airsoft guns, arrows, BB guns, paintball guns and darts...
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