severe bleeding

  1. How to apply a tourniquet
    Categories: First Aid

    How to apply a tourniquet

    With the accessibility of tourniquets now (heavily recommended by the Hartford Consensus, the Stop the Bleed program and now also required in ANSI Class B First Aid kits for workplaces) we thought we would share some information on tourniquet use. Hemostatic Band / Tourniquet Strap - 1 EachProduct Description Genuine First Aid GFAP-62-01 Hemostatic Band / Tourniquet Strap - 1...
  2. Moving an Injured Casualty?
    Categories: First Aid

    Moving an Injured Casualty?

    What happens when you need to move a casualty / injured person away from danger? You must take great care not to cause further injury... Avoid moving an injured casualty if possible. If there is immediate danger or the possibility of further injury (such as on-coming vehicles, explosion, fire, chemical leak, etc.) if not moved, then move the casualty as...
  3. Bleeding and Soft Tissue Injury Treatment
    Categories: First Aid

    Bleeding and Soft Tissue Injury Treatment

    Severe bleeding is a Medical Emergency. Controlling severe bleeding is an important part of first aid. Treatment Call 9-1-1 or EMS if bleeding is severe and difficult to stop. Have the casualty lie down, if possible. Place a clean, sterile, cloth directly over the bleeding site. If available, the rescuer should wear gloves to protect from Bloodborne Pathogens. Firmly apply...
  4. Categories: First Aid

    Shock First Aid Treatment

    Call 9-1-1 or EMS immediately. One of the most important treatments for shock is keeping the casualty as calm and comfortable as possible. Control the cause of the shock; such as controlling severe bleeding, if possible. If a spinal, neck, or head trauma is not suspected, keep the airway open with the head tilt-chin lift method. If the casualty vomits...

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