American CPR Training Instructor Manual ~ Complete Standard Edition V4
American CPR Training® Instructor Manual ~ Complete Standard Edition V4. 130+ pages, Full color, and over 100 pages of additional materials.
The American CPR Training® Instructor Manual is a complete guide on how to launch or continue to grow your business as a Health & Safety Instructor. It includes all the course topics needed to teach the Health & Safety classes most commonly required by government agencies, businesses, and the community.
Included is a Presenter’s Guide with step-by-step instructions on how to hold a successful training session, from start to finish. Topics include how to prepare for the presentation, how to conduct the training classes, and other helpful and important guidelines designed to ensure a satisfied group of participants.
The American CPR Training® Instructor Manual contains tips on conducting CPR, First Aid, AED, and Bloodborne Pathogens sessions and how to effectively use your equipment and student training materials, with advice on how to allow the students maximum hands-on participation.
Only available to Affiliated Instructors, The American CPR Training® Instructor Manual includes special information accessible exclusively to qualified instructors that participate in America’s Favorite CPR, First Aid, AED & BBP Training Program™.
This newest version has expanded Instructor guides with synchronized sections so Instructors can pace their presentations to match the flow of lecture, audio-visual, and practical demonstrations in a way that coincides precisely with the American CPR Training® First Response video series and the Student Training Handbooks.
Course Topics:
American CPR Training’s® Adult, Child, & Infant C.A.R.E. CPR™ training course covers information about cardiovascular disease, risk factors, management of conscious and unconscious airway obstructions, one-rescuer “full” CPR, Compression-Only CPR™, and an introduction to AED principles. Our Program incorporates lecture, demonstration, DVD presentation, student books & hands-on training materials, individual classroom training kits, and student skills testing. Certification is valid for two years.
American CPR Training’s® OSHA Standard First Aid & Emergency Care training course includes information about emergency assessment, Stop the Bleed®, care for shock, soft tissue injuries, musculoskeletal injuries, burns, and forms of sudden illness. Our Program incorporates lecture, demonstration, DVD presentation, student books & hands-on training materials, individual classroom training kits, and student participation. A written exam may be given at the instructor’s discretion, but skills testing is not required. Certification is valid for two years.
American CPR Training’s® AED - Automated External Defibrillation training course covers AED principles, operating instructions, and a review of Adult C.A.R.E. CPR™. Our Program incorporates lecture, demonstration, DVD presentation, student books & hands-on training materials, individual classroom training kits, and student skills testing with an AED Trainer & CPR mannequin. Certification is valid for two years.
American CPR Training’s® Advanced / Healthcare C.A.R.E. CPR™ training course covers background information about cardiovascular disease, risk factors, conscious and unconscious choking, two-rescuer C.A.R.E. CPR™, management of foreign object airway obstruction, and use of oxygen and the Bag-Valve-Mask. Our Program incorporates lecture, demonstration, DVD presentation, student books & hands-on training materials, individual classroom training kits, and student skills testing. A 50-question student exam is included. Certification is valid for two years.
American CPR Training’s® Bloodborne Pathogens & Universal Precautions training course covers employee occupational exposure to blood and other potentially hazardous bodily fluids and how each can be avoided by observing the concept of Universal Precautions. This course complies with the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030. Our Program incorporates lecture, demonstration, DVD presentation, student books & training materials, individual classroom training kits, and student participation. A short quiz may be given at the instructor’s discretion, but skills testing is not required. Certification is valid for two years.
Brand | American CPR Training |
Comparable / Alternate SKUs | INSTMAN-V3, INSTMAN-V4 |
Actual Weight (lbs) | 3.34 |
Length (inches) | 2.25 |
Height (inches) | 11.5 |
Width / Depth (inches) | 10.75 |
Custom Imprint Available | No |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price | $124.99 |
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