Elastic Bandages

Latex Free Elastic Bandage Wraps: Our stretchable bandages are perfect for creating localized pressure, supporting injured body parts, and holding dressings or hot and cold compresses in place. Used in Sports Medicine, Health & Beauty Treatments and wraps, and for First Aid of all types, these wraps are reusable and convenient for binding bending parts such as knees, wrists, shoulders and ankles. We offer elastic wraps in 2", 3", 4" and even extra-wide 6" sizes, all are in standard 5 yard (applied) length and come with clips - sterile and non-sterile. From just 71¢ each, we offer our ACE type latex free elastic wraps (Tensor Bandages) individually, in boxes, bulk, and Wholesale Direct! Would you like information about how and when to use an ace-type elastic bandage wrap?

Elastic Bandages - Now you can wrap an injury like an ace with our latex free bandages wraps with clips!

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How & When To Use An Ace-Type Elastic Bandage Wrap

An elastic bandage wrap (often referred to by the popular brand name ACE) comes in different sizes. The wraps come in a roll with metal clips. The bandages are available from 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 cm) wide and 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 m) long, but are generally marked in the "applied" or stretched length of 5 yards.

An elastic wrap puts gentle pressure on the tissue around an injury. The ace wrap also gives support to the injured area. One might use an elastic wrap for many first aid and injury treatment needs including.

  • To hold wound dressings or cold / hot packs in place on a body part, such as an arm leg shin or shoulder
  • To help reduce swelling of an injured area of the body
  • To improve blood flow to a limb like an arm or leg (compression)
  • To wrap around an arm or leg splint during healing

Tips for safety and comfort:

Be careful not to wrap the bandage too tight because it may cut off blood flow - remove and reapply several times a day if it will not cause further injury.

If the part of your body with the elastic wrap feels numb or tingling, remove the bandage. Gently rub the area. Re wrap the bandage when the area feels better.

If the body part wrapped in the elastic ace wrap becomes cold or turns blue, remove the bandage.

You may want to have extra elastic wraps available. This will let you wash one when it gets dirty and have another ace wrap to use, and is especially handy if you are applying cold packs which may cause the elastic wrap to get damp.

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