Hot & Cold First Aid Treatment & Therapy - Bulk and Wholesale Direct Pricing! Many products such as Body Warmers and Hot Packs, Instant Cold Compresses and Cold Packs, Reusable Hot and Cold Packs for Instant Treatment of Minor to Moderate Bumps and Bruises. Cold Therapy Supplies and Cold Packs for Sports Injuries. When considering Hot & Cold Therapy or considering whether to use cold or hot compresses in first and for sprains, strains and other injuries, be sure to read our first aid information . See our fun cold packs for Kids' Boo-Boos, too - turn that frown upside down.
Hot & Cold Products - Warmers, Ice Packs, Cold & Hot Therapy, Cold Packs, Instant Cold Packs, Hot Packs, even Reusable Ice Packs and compress wraps!
We've listed some first aid procedures and information here for basic first aid treatments that utilize heat or cold in the first aid treatment:
First aid for common sprains and strains include; (R) rest, (I) ice, (C) compression, and (E) elevation. (known as RICE):
Rest-Rest the injured part of the body, limiting movement and activity. Try to get the casualty in a comfortable sitting or lying position.
Ice-Apply ice or cold packs to the injured area with a towel or cloth between the ice and skin for at least 20 minutes. Repeat every few hours for the first 24-48 hours to reduce pain and swelling. Do not apply ice directly to skin.
Compression-Place an elastic compression bandage around the injury for at least 2 days to help aid in the reduction of the swelling.
Elevation-Elevate the injured area above heart level as often as possible for the first several days to continue to aid in the reduction of the swelling.
* Many of our customers ask if they should apply heat or cold to sprains and strains - Do not apply heat to the injury for at least the first 24 hours; heat increases blood flow to the area, causing more swelling and pain. Heat can be applied after the initial 24-48 hours and may help with the healing and comfort of the injury.
• First aid for Heat Stress & Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition and requires immediate medical attention. Signs of heat stroke include an excessive rise in body temperature, a high fever that can cause permanent brain damage and/or death, hot, red, dry skin, confusion, difficulty talking or walking, or unconsciousness, as well as all the signs of heat exhaustion.
First Aid Treatment :
Call 9-1-1 or activate EMS immediately! A delayed call could be fatal.
The main objective of first aid treatment for heat stroke is to lower the casualty’s body temperature as quickly as possible.
Move the casualty to a shady or cool place.
Loosen and/or remove any sweat-soaked clothing.
Cool the casualty’s body by immersing him/her in cold water or if unavailable, sponging him/her down with cold compresses.
Fan the casualty with a magazine, cardboard, or an electric fan.
Do not give the casualty anything to drink unless their condition stabilizes. Once stabilized, small sips of water can be given. Do not give caffeine or alcoholic beverages.
First aid for Nosebleeds (Epistaxis )
How to treat a bloody Nose :
Have the casualty sit in a chair and lean slightly forward.
Apply pressure below the midline of the nose, close to the nostrils, by pinching with the thumb and index finger for 10 continuous minutes. Do not press the bridge of the nose between the eyes.
If the bleeding does not stop, apply a cold compress to area.
If the bleeding does not stop after 15 minutes, is extremely heavy, or if the casualty has difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.
* Many people lean backward when treating a nosebleed, which causes blood to flow into their sinuses causing infections, or into their stomach causing nausea and vomiting. Who wants to throw up while dealing with a bloody nose!?!? Pinch and lean Forward … ~~ Also see our great product for stopping nose bleeds .
First aid for Bites and Stings
Cold compresses can be very helpful in treating bug bites and insect stings
Immediately wash the bite or sting with soap and water if available, or use antiseptic wipes if soap and water are not available.
Put an ice pack on the affected area with a cloth barrier between the ice and skin. If treating a bee sting, remove the stinger first (see below).
Never attempt to suck out any venom or poison with your mouth!
Never apply a tourniquet.
Do not use folk remedies or unproven treatments to care for the casualty.
Do not give the casualty caffeinated drinks, alcohol, or aspirin.
Read more about first aid treatment for Spider bites and Bee stings
Generally Body Warmers, Hand Warmers, Toe Warmers and Hot Packs are outstanding products for avoiding frostbite, but are seldom recommended for treating frostbite.
General Information about frostbite
Frostbite can occur when the temperature is below 20 degrees Fahrenheit / -6 Celsius, causing body tissue to begin freezing. The moisture in the tissue freezes and crystallizes.
Frostbite usually affects outer limbs and body parts such as the face, nose, ears, fingers, and toes first.
Signs of frostbite include skin that starts out pink and changes to blotchy or waxy white or to a grayish-yellow tone. This may happen over time, as frostbite develops.
Pain and cold may be felt initially, but the area will quickly become numb and have no feeling.
Important: Never warm the frostbitten area and then later allow it to refreeze. Active warming then refreezing is worse than doing nothing. If continued warming is not possible, take the casualty to the closest hospital before beginning warming.
Treatment for Frostbite :
Move the casualty to a warm environment if possible.
Remove any wet clothing and wrap the casualty in warm blankets, coats, or any dry clothing. Pay special attention to the hands, feet and face area.
If comfortable and safe to do so, elevate the affected area.
Immerse the affect area in warm water or use a water bottle with warm water on the frostbitten area. Do not immerse in HOT water.
Do not use dry heat, such as heating pads, camp fires, or hairdryers for warming.
Do not rub or massage the frostbitten area. This may cause further damage to the injured tissue.
Take the casualty to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.
If getting medical assistance is postponed but continuous warming is not possible, gently wrap the frostbitten areas with blankets or clothing to avoid further frostbite. Get the casualty to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.
Continuous warming procedure :
Gently immerse the frostbitten part in clean, warm water (104-108 degrees Fahrenheit / 40-42 degrees Celsius) for 15 to 20 minutes. The temperature should be measured by the thermometer if possible and frequently rechecked.
Continue to add warm water to keep the temperature within the range above.
Do not allow the frostbitten area to freeze again.
Get the casualty to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.
First aid for Shock
Hot packs, warmers and emergency blankets are great for treating for Shock
General information about shock :
Shock is a life-threatening condition and requires immediate treatment and attention.
Shock is characterized by pale, cold, clammy skin, shivering or chills, confusion, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and/or a weak pulse with shallow, rapid breathing.
Shock usually accompanies other severe injuries, burns, allergic reactions, severe pain such as a heart attack, or sudden loss of blood.
Treatment for shock :
Call 9-1-1 or EMS immediately.
One of the most important treatments for shock is keeping the casualty as calm and comfortable as possible.
Control the cause of the shock; such as controlling severe bleeding, if possible.
If a spinal, neck, or head trauma is not suspected, keep the airway open with the head tilt-chin lift method.
If the casualty vomits, turn her/his head to one side to avoid aspirating on or swallowing the vomit. If a spine, neck, or head injury is suspected, keep the casualty’s head, neck, and body in a straight line while turning him/her on her/his side.
If possible, elevate the casualty’s legs above the level of the heart. Do not elevate if you suspect broken bones in the legs, neck, or spine.
Keep the casualty as comfortable and warm as possible. Cover any visible injuries with a clean, sterile dressing.
Do not give fluids to an unconscious casualty. If medical assistance is delayed for more than an hour, you may give the casualty small sips of water
Do not give any fluids if you suspect an abdominal or other injury that may require immediate surgery.
Do not give alcoholic, caffeinated or sugary beverages.
Here's a great guide from University of Chicago School of Medicine on when to use hot or cold for pain treatment...
When to use heat and when to use cold / Ice Packs vs. Warm Compresses For Pain:
It can sometimes be confusing whether to use heat or cold when treating sore muscles or an injury, but keep these facts in mind :
Heat :
Brings more blood to the area where it is applied.
Reduces joint stiffness and muscle spasm, which makes it useful when muscles are tight.
Helps to resolve inflammation.
Types of warm packs/pads :
Hot Pack / Warmer
Open to expose to heat (activates and warms)
Apply to injury.
Warm towel
Dampen a towel with warm (not scalding) water.
Apply to the affected area to relieve muscle spasm.
Heating pad
Be sure to protect any type of heating pad device from coming in direct contact with the skin. Precautions should be taken to avoid burns.
When muscles work, chemical byproducts are produced that need to be eliminated. When exercise is very intense, there may not be enough blood flow to eliminate all the chemicals. It is the accumulation of chemicals (i.e., lactic acid) that cause muscle ache. Because the blood supply helps eliminate these chemicals, use heat to help sore muscles after exercise
Cold :
Relieves pain by numbing the affected area.
Reduces swelling and inflammation.
Reduces bleeding.
Types of cold packs :
Ice Towel
Dampen a towel with cold water.
Fold it and place it in a plastic, sealable bag.
Place the bag in the freezer for 15 minutes.
Remove from freezer and place it on the affected area.
Ice Pack / Cold Compress
Put ice in a plastic, sealable bag.
Fill partially with water. ~ Seal the bag, squeezing the air out of it.
Wrap the bag in a damp towel and apply to the affected area.
NOTE: Instant cold compresses, just shake, squeeze and shake again for cold.
When an injury or inflammation such as tendonitis or bursitis occurs, tissues are damaged. Cold application numbs the affected area, which can reduce pain and tenderness. Cold can also reduce swelling and inflammation.