Banner Your Coronavirus Safety Supply Superstore

Businesses & Individuals are searching for these COVID-19 Safety Items...

...We have them in stock, and for LE$$!

What You Need and Why:

  • Facial Covering: Not only do facial coverings remind us not to touch our faces, but they also prevent an unsuspecting COVID host from touching their face or coughing & sneezing onto objects which others will touch.
  • Gloves: Gloves remind you to avoid touching your face. Wearing disposable gloves while entering common areas, such as conference rooms or warehouses, will help you keep hygiene in mind.
  • Disinfectants: Disinfect surfaces & make them safe. Do you have an EPA registered surface disinfectant that kills human Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
  • Isopropyl Alcohol: 70% or higher alcohol has been proven to kill COVID-19. Clean surfaces, light switches, doorknobs, break areas, etc.
  • Hand Sanitizer: Nothing beats washing your hands with warm water & soap, but the CDC recommends that we use an alcohol based hand sanitizer which contains 60%+ alcohol when unable to wash. Keep a refillable bottle in your pocket and keep a large bottle at home or at work for refilling.

Make Safety a Habit:

Wash your hands frequently. Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth. Observe social distancing practices.

Click Here to See All Pandemic Prevention Products!

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